Special Deepavali up-date of 01.11.2010
Through a RTI reply,
it is now confirmed that Hon’ble LG of Delhi also the Chairman of DDA has already cleared proposal & plan for allotment 16,000 plots under
Rohini Scheme.
Wish DDA and its
various departments (Planning, Engineering and Land Sales) gear-up to allot these first lot of 16,000 ‘fully developed
plots’ at the earliest.
(It is recalled
that Hon’ble Delhi High Court order reads that DDA shall allot ‘fully developed plot’ to scheme registrants.)
Order on 16.12.2009 of Hon’ble Delhi High Court also indicates
clearance of the entire backlog of the Rohini Scheme (i.e allotment of plot to remaining about 9000 scheme registrants)
in 3 years time. Hope Hon’ble LG will clear the allotment process of plot to remaining 9000 scheme registrants also
at the earliest.
of 10 Aug 2010
Recently, DDA announced launch
of a new Housing Scheme of 15,000 flats and call of application for the same is expected in coming 1-2 months
time and out of 15000 flats about 2000 flats are likely to be in Rohini area. It is rumoured that DDA may announce an offer
of priority allotment of some Rohini area flats to waiting Rohini Plot Scheme 1981 registrants.
DDA attempted
cancellation of many cases of plot allotment on the ground of ‘already owning a property’ in past. However,
through Court intervention for upholding justice, cancelled allotment of plot has been restored in many cases. Those
suspecting to belong in this confusion can contact me for effective clarification.
Rahul Gupta.
Early July 2010
Dear waiting Rohini Scheme1981 Registrants,
Even after 7 months of Delhi High Court order, there is no ‘visible movement’
at DDA on account of allotment of Plot to waiting Rohini Scheme1981 Registrants. However, there are un-confirmed reports,
that their Planning Department has already submitted a proposal to VC-DDA & LG, but other departments of DDA have not
geared up for a possible immediate allotment.
In the meantime, waiting Registrants have started getting “illegal offers”
from Property Dealers to sell their Registration. You are advised not to entertain such offers. Such transactions are illegal
and you may invite all sorts of trouble from DDA and other Authorities later.
It is re-assured that all registrants will be allotted a Plot in Rohini
area itself and no need to compromise when DDA try to offer a Flat. We all have waited for 29 years, and we must wait for
some more time.
Many of you have suggested that we should file a case for ‘suitable compensation’
and ‘restoration of plot size’. Let me share with you that our team of lawyers is already at work. More then
70 people have already consented for this ‘new fight’. Who so ever is interested to join this new fight, may get
in touch with me (Pls contact on my mobile no. given below), immediately.
Rahul Gupta.
Updates of 23.Feb.2010.
Dear waiting Rohini Scheme
We take pleasure in announcing
the latest development on our case.
Please refer Public Interest
Litigation(PIL)Case: Rahul Gupta v/s DDA & Others in Delhi High Court
last, DDA has recommitted to allot plots to the remaining Rohini Scheme Registrants and this submission/ assurance of
DDA has been accepted by Hon’ble Chief Justice of Delhi High Court.
per this new commitment, 16000 plots [fully developed] will be allotted in coming 20 months and remaining 9000 registrants will get plots
within 3 years time from now.
It is recalled that similar
submissions/ assurances from DDA earlier had gone flat.
even to the Highest office of our country i.e. Parliament]
Will DDA be able to
keep its promise to Delhi High Court now, only time will speak? However, let us hope for the best.
On a fresh subsequent
appeal in this PIL Case, Hon’ble Delhi High Court (on 09.02.2010) has permitted to approach them again and reopen the
case whenever necessary.
If waiting registrant are
having any other issue(pre-allotment stage) on Rohini scheme, they are advised to contact through e-mail (giving the
complete details of problem faced). The issues can be collectively raised with DDA for redressal and/ or if required referred
to Hon’ble Delhi High Court for justice.
In view of the public
notice of the latest commitment from DDA, property dealers will get active and may approach you registrants for sale of registration
by soliciting through letters/ e-mails/ telephone and by contacting in person. It is advised, such transaction is illegal
and you may only jeopardise our effort to get our genuine legal claims. You all have waited for 29 years, and kindly have
some more patience -Please do not sell your registration to ‘third party’.
As a precaution, “caveat”
has already been filed in the Supreme Court to counter any future attempt by DDA for time gain on the allotment process by
approaching Supreme Court(against their own commitment in Delhi High Court). Unfortunately in such a situation
our legal expenses shall also increase and volunteers are requested to come forward and contact us with their valuable advice.
All the best.
of 21.10.2009.
directives have been issued by the Honourable High Court of Delhi to DDA and Urban Development Ministry and the next hearing
has been fixed for 09 Dec 2009.
of 23.09.2009.
DDA is still harping on to their proposal to offer the built-up flats (on account
of MPD-2021 provisions for vertical development) to waiting ROHINI 1981 scheme registrants. They are also
attempting plans to offer the plots at far off places like Narela.
If it comes out so, we may have to strengthen
our legal team with Senior Advocates in order to counter the divertive move of DDA.
Commissioner Planning
– DDA and Director (DD) – UD Ministry have been asked to present in person in the court to explain the current
proposals for the incomplete Rohini Scheme.
Now the case is fixed
for 21-10-2009.
A sincere appeal is made to our esteemed members for additional contributions
towards building-up our Legal Team.
Flash:A ‘short affidavit’
has been filed by Vice Chairman – DDA and none of the issue/ points raised in the petition have been answered through
this meaningless affidavit. However, DDA has admitted some of their mistakes. Now, the case is fixed for 23.09.2009.
Hearing adjourned to 02Sept2009
PIL was heard by the Honourable Chief Justice of High court of Delhi.
However, on DDA's request for some more time to prepare reply, the case adjourned to 26 August 2009.
May 2009
Honourable High Court of Delhi has admitted
the Public Interest Litigation case(PIL) filed by our movement and directed DDA to reply within six(6) weeks time.
First Hearing on the PIL is likely to be taken up on 15th of July2009. Kindly
see Sh.Rahul Gupta's request letter(reproduced herebelow) to all registrants to collect and share all their individual
previous correspondence with DDA on the Rohini scheme so as to make the arguments effective.
PS: Please note that at this stage only the
case has been admitted for hearing and no outcome can be predicted. As such do not get carried away by people misleading this
report as an indication of final verdict.
Some miscreants, imposing as ‘real well wishers
of waiting Rohini Scheme Registrants’, either the Property Dealers or acting on behalf of Property Dealers are confusing
the registrants by giving false informations. You are advised not to give any head to such baseless informations and rumors.
We will be keeping on updating you of latest developments
on this website/ forum.
You can also contact us through e-mail on syn@engineer.com or cipherbox@hotmail.com or rumjhumchatterjee@hotmail.com or subu_guha@hotmail.com.